Stacey Larsen, Ed.D. is the founder of Authentic Edge, LLC. She has spent the last 25 years working with individual leaders, teams, and organizations as a teacher, coach, and consultant invarious industries, including (but not limited to) construction, IT, manufacturing, and healthcare.
She brings her passion for empowering leaders with actionable, sustainable habits and communities of practice to her work with leaders and organizations who seek even more effective people leadership interactions and company cultures – new ways of dancing with one another that will give them an ‘authentic edge’.
Stacey has a doctorate degree in leadership from the University of St. Thomas in Minneapolis, MN and years of training and exploration in the fields of child and adult learning, leadership, coaching, emotional intelligence, and change management.
She is the author of Reframing the Leadership Dance: The Secret to Finding Your Rhythm as a People Leader.
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